Anagallis arvensis

Scarlet Pimpernel, Poor Man's Weather-glass

[not native to the Mid-Atlantic area]

[ click on any image below to see larger version ]

Family: Primulaceae

Mid-Atlantic bloom time: April - November

Pretty little orange, red or blue flowers make Scarlet Pimpernel a treat to find, even though its not native to the mid-Atlantic area. It's native range is Europe and west/north Africa, but it doesn't seem to be invasive.

27 July 2014
Conway Robinson Memorial State Forest, Gainesville, VA
27 July 2014
Conway Robinson Memorial State Forest, Gainesville, VA
27 July 2014
Conway Robinson Memorial State Forest, Gainesville, VA
27 July 2014
Conway Robinson Memorial State Forest, Gainesville, VA
2 June 2019
Haymarket, VA
2 June 2019
Haymarket, VA

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